The one thing I, among many Dolphins fans have been begging for 3 years now has finally happened. Dallas Thomas and Billy Turner have both been released today by the Miami Dolphins. Many years over due, but their play on the left side of the line of scrimmage Sunday against the Titans, sealed their fate. PFF rated Billy Turner the worst LT on Sunday with a -9.3 grade, giving up 3 sacks, 2 hits. Dallas Thomas was also awful, for many reason other than Sunday. The Dolphins so far has replaced Billy Turner with Sam Young, who was on the preseason roster. He has played LT in his NFL career. Anthony Steen should be the immediate replacement for Dallas Thomas, once he returns healthy.
Rejoice, Dolphins fans, a step in the right direction is getting rid of bad players. We just released 3 years of BAD
Thomas and Turner were claimed today by the Miami International Airport. Their new jobs:Turnstiles lol
Hahaha nice