Armando Salguero, Senior NFL Writer for, is reporting that former Miami Dolphins assistant coach Lance Bennett is the witness that Brian Flores has in his lawsuit who heard Dolphins owner Stephen Ross offer Coach Flores $100,000 per loss in 2019.

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Per Salguero, “That should worry Ross because Flores apparently has at least one witness willing to corroborate his account that Ross offered him cash to lose games on purpose, according to sources familiar with the matter.

That witness is former Dolphins assistant to the head coach Lance Bennett, according to the sources.

Bennett, hired by Flores in 2019 as his right-hand man, has told the lawyers representing Flores he is willing to corroborate the coach’s account that Ross offered the coach $100,000 to lose games in 2019.

Unlike assistant coaches and other staffers Flores hired during his three years in Miami, Bennett apparently also exited the club when Flores was fired. His name no longer appears on the team’s updated staff directory.”

Lance Bennett went to high school with Brian Flores and is a long-time friend of the former Dolphins head coach. From a 2019 story in THE ATHLETIC on Brian Flores and the Dolphins, reporter Chris Perkins wrote

“One by one, they went around the table telling their stories, where they came from, where they went to school, how they grew up. The 38-year-old Flores did the same, even sharing the story of how he and Lance Bennett, his ever-present personal assistant and right-hand man, were high school football teammates, remained close friends, and how Flores brought Bennett aboard with the Dolphins.”

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell commented on the situation on Wednesday stating the allegations are very disturbing and if there were violations they won’t be tolerated.