Kickers often occupy a unique space in the hearts of football fans. They can be the heroes of a game with a clutch field goal or the villains when a critical kick goes “Wide Right.” 

No player embodies this rollercoaster of emotions more than Miami Dolphins kicker Jason Sanders.

Since coming into the league, I have had the utmost confidence in no kicker, but I have also been so concerned about every kick. 

Jason Sanders burst onto the scene with the Dolphins in 2018, immediately showcasing his potential. His rookie season was impressive, with a field goal percentage of 90%, earning him praise and making him a reliable option for the team. One of the standout moments that cemented my affection for Sanders was his game-winning field goal against the Chicago Bears in overtime.

That kick capped off a great victory and was something special, starting our journey with Sanders. 

Overall, the 2019 season was a mess, and Sanders had a mediocre year, but he will always be remembered for his role in the “Mountaineer Shot.” 

The love affair continued in the 2020 season, Sanders’ best year. He was nearly automatic, converting 36 of 39 field goal attempts and all 36 extra points.

His performance earned him first-team All-Pro honors. It was a season filled with highlights, and every successful kick was a reason for celebration. Sanders became a symbol of reliability and excellence, and I was proud to have him as our kicker. 

However, as with any relationship, there are downs and ups. 

The 2021 and 2022 seasons brought a series of missed kicks and inconsistent performances that tested my patience and loyalty. The frustration of seeing Sanders miss field goals that he had routinely made in the past was quite frustrating, causing many Dolphins fans to try to look elsewhere. 

Thankfully, he had a bounce-back season this past season (85.7%), making many crucial kicks, including going 5-5 with a game-winner against the Cowboys.

Sanders is a Dolphin through 2026, and I’m confident he can make any kick. Yet, with each kick this year, I got flashbacks of the previous years. I look forward to Sanders returning to All-Pro form this season.

 Despite the ups and downs, Jason Sanders remains a crucial part of the Miami Dolphins. His ability to bounce back from tough moments and his undeniable talent keep me rooting for him.

I have come to accept that this love-hate dynamic is part of being a fan. No player is perfect, and the highs would not be as exhilarating without the lows. Over the time of playing and watching sports, I have realized that the emotional investment is what makes sports so compelling.

The moments of tragedy are what make the triumph so worth it. Jason Sanders is my kicker, excluding Cody Parkey and Jay Feely (One Season) Sanders is the Dolphins’ all-time leader in field goal percentage at 83.3%. One day maybe Sanders will pass Olindo Mare as the all-time points leader in franchise history.