A recent study found that around 26% of professional athletes use CBD products to aid their recovery process. Many athletes praise CBD’s wellness benefits, including its soothing effects and anti-inflammatory properties. 


While a wide range of athletes use CBD products, including golfers, rugby players, and swimmers, they’ve become particularly popular among football players. This is no surprise considering football players often seek innovative methods to enhance recovery and performance. 

Understanding CBD

Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the most popular cannabinoids in cannabis. It’s completely non-psychoactive and non-intoxicating but provides myriad wellness benefits. Typically, CBD products contain CBD isolate, which goes through an extraction and purification process to ensure it contains zero THC. 


CBD’s interaction with the body’s endocannabinoid system—a network influencing pain, inflammation, and stress responses— is why it may help manage numerous functions that impact athletic recovery. 

CBD in Football

The National Football League (NFL) has increasingly recognized the potential benefits of CBD for pain management. In 2022, the NFL committed $1 million to research the effects of cannabis and CBD on pain management and neuroprotection from concussions in elite football players. 


Moreover, numerous football leagues worldwide have revised their regulations following the World Anti-Doping Agency’s (WADA) removal of CBD from its list of banned substances, allowing athletes more freedom to use CBD products. This change is part of a broader trend toward recognizing the potential therapeutic benefits of CBD in managing pain and inflammation, which are prevalent in sports-related injuries.


Many football players have publicly praised and endorsed CBD products. A notable example is Rob Gronkowski, a former NFL player who has publicly endorsed the benefits of CBD for pain management and recovery enhancement. This shift highlights a growing curiosity and acceptance of CBD within the sports community.


Scientific Evidence

Numerous studies have explored the specific impact of CBD on athletic performance and recovery. 


A 2022 study examined the effects of a 300 mg dose of oral CBD on physiological and psychological responses during aerobic exercises. It found that while CBD increased oxygen consumption and improved the subjective experience of exercise, it did not significantly alter heart rate, perceived exertion, or time to exhaustion. 


This suggests that CBD’s benefits may be more related to subjective well-being during physical activities rather than direct enhancements in performance metrics.

Comparison with Traditional Recovery Methods

Traditional sports recovery methods, such as pharmaceuticals, ice baths, and rest, are well-established for their benefits but often come with drawbacks. Specifically, pharmaceuticals can result in some very negative side effects. 


In contrast, CBD offers a holistic approach that may help reduce muscle soreness and promote faster recovery through its anti-inflammatory properties. Moreover, preliminary research suggests that CBD could also improve sleep quality and assist in the recovery from mild traumatic brain injuries, presenting a compelling case for its use as a safer alternative to traditional pharmaceuticals.

Case Studies and Athlete Experiences

Case studies reveal diverse experiences with CBD. For example, a linebacker from the NFL reported reduced recovery times and enhanced sleep quality after regular CBD use, while some other players have reported minimal benefits. 


Effects can differ greatly depending on the delivery method and quality. There’s a wide variety of CBD products, like topicals, tinctures, and powders, all of which you can purchase online from crescentcanna.com

Potential Benefits for Football Players

The potential benefits of CBD for football players include:

  • Pain Management: CBD may reduce pain perception related to chronic injuries and post-game recovery.
  • Inflammation Reduction: CBD may help mitigate inflammation after intense physical exertion.
  • Improved Sleep Quality: CBD may facilitate better sleep, which is crucial for recovery and performance.

CBD has the potential to bestow so many wellness benefits, however, quality control remains a significant concern. Before purchasing CBD products, make sure that the company you’re buying from is transparent about their third-party lab testing and has good reviews. 

More Research Needed

CBD appears to offer promising benefits for football players’ recovery times. However, embracing its use requires careful consideration of legal frameworks, ethical implications, and individual responses. The sports community must prioritize comprehensive research and transparent regulation to fully understand and leverage CBD’s potential responsibly.